
It all starts here.


With the data available to us today, marketing campaigns should always start with a research phase. At Brand Ambition, we utilise a unique combination of experience, detailed competitor analysis, market research tools and SEO focused data to get ahead and stay ahead.


We literally Explore. the whole market to give you the edge and maximise your return on marketing spend.

The Explore. audit

The Explore. audit is a complete digital marketing strategic roadmap designed specifically for your business. As part of the 70+ page audit we include an easy to digest summary, a list of clear objectives, actions and suggested services.

The audit also includes a 12-month content calendar, a full-technical SEO review, a full backlink review, digital PR and backlink gaps and ideas for acquiring them. Details on the volume of content you need to produce to compete with competitors and a detailed brand review.

Explore. is the most comprehensive marketing strategy review and will help you define your place in the market. And then provide you with the tools to succeed.


Technical SEO Review

Utilising third-party tools, we complete a 350+ point automated checklist, then utilise our in-house SEO team to build a clear list of priority improvements with a proposed implementation strategy.

If you’re concerned about dropping rankings or simply looking for professionals to review your current set-up then get in touch today.

Explore. Your potential

Digital Competitor Analysis

Our digital competitor SEO First™ analysis reviews up to twenty competitor websites and their rankings.

We then build a complete picture of their rankings, backlinks and improvement strategies. Then we highlight the clear gaps in your own profile, as well as identifying gaps in the market that can be used to your advantage.

Keyword ranking gaps, competitor backlink gaps and content weaknesses are then all built into your bespoke 12-month strategy.

Keyword Research & Content Planning

How much content should you write per page? How many articles should you write a month? How much content to get something to the top rank? Should you outsource or keep it in house?

Do these questions sound familiar? That’s because they are the most commonly asked by internal marketing teams looking to optimise their websites.

Our Explore. audit gives you the answers to these questions and more by utilising our AI SEO First™ technology that can analyse rankings and competitor content to give you a clear SEO focused content brief that means you always have the answer.

As part of our content strategy, we’ll also give you months worth of content ideas and a priority list of what content will be the most likely to drive traffic.

Strategy Development & Workshop

The final piece to the Explore. puzzle.

We won’t just leave you with a confusing one-off strategy document at the end of it. The strategy workshop means we come in, discuss our findings and work with you to refine the strategy so it is relevant to your business objectives.

Then, we either help you deliver it or deliver it for you.

The Choice is Yours




Stop Faffing about. Gis a ring

Achieve your ambition

Let’s go grab a coffee. We’ve got a lot to talk about. It’s time to Excite. Ignite. and Explode. your business into reaching your ambitions.

Contact the MD on [email protected] or drop us a note to [email protected]