Starting a New Job Remotely

Written by Lex

We recently welcomed two new additions to the Brand Ambition team – Myles Doncaster (left) and Dylan Comyn (right). Here we get to know the pair a bit better and find out about their first two weeks at Brand Ambition, highlights so far and what they’ve learned about starting a new role remotely, all during a global pandemic.

Hi Myles and Dylan! How have you found your first two weeks with Brand Ambition? 

Myles Doncaster (MD): It’s been pretty great as far as first weeks as new jobs go. Meeting all the team on day one was good and everyone has been so friendly and welcoming. We’ve mostly been getting used to how Brand Ambition works and learning about the clients we’ll be working with. 

I’ve also already learnt a lot that’s going to help me fulfil my role to a higher standard which is great for building my skill set.

Dylan Comyn (DC): The first two weeks have been really enjoyable for me so far. It was nice to be eased in gently with good training on the first couple of days. 

It was also nice to start on the same day as Myles as he is in the same position as me getting used to how the company operates. What is good is that no two days have been the same so far, and I have been exposed to different aspects of the business. 

What’s been a highlight of your time with us so far? 

DC: I think the thing that has been really exciting for me is learning a little more about the company’s background and ambitions. Myles and I have started at the Brand Ambition at a really exciting time, and I am looking forward to helping the company to grow.

MD: I think how organised everything is. The first day was packed with mini-training sessions and meetings to get us settled in and there wasn’t really a moment to sit around. It really made the day fly by! This has continued into the day to day. There is rarely a moment where I am sat wondering what to do which makes for more efficient working and much more fulfilling days.

This isn’t the new Brand Ambition corporate uniform…honest.

How have you found being mostly remote? 

MD: I’ve had some brief experience working from home but never this amount so it is something that takes some getting used to. I think that organisation I mentioned earlier does really help. 

We use something called ClickUp that helps keep track of tasks so if I’m ever unsure what to do then I can check there and normally find plenty to be getting on with. I think overall I quite enjoy remote working since it does save me a lot of commuting time but I can see it being quite lonely so I appreciate our odd days in the office.

DC: For the most part, I have found working remotely has brought both pros and cons. It is great in terms of no commute or having to prepare lunches for the next day, which has made everything feel a lot more convenient. The team is also extremely helpful in terms of support. I know that if I have any questions or issues that I encounter I can quickly and easily contact them through instant messaging or video calling. 

However, we did spend a few days in the office face to face, and it is a lot easier to quickly ask someone a question or to get feedback which is something that takes a bit longer when remote. 

What is the main thing that you miss from being in an office?

MD: Just communication with other people. As much as I enjoy not speaking to anyone outside of my household it is nice to sometimes get out and see some other people

DC: The main thing that I miss from being in the office is just having any direct human contact at work. I am quite a social person and enjoy getting to know people, and although you can still reach out and speak to people on Zoom it just isn’t the same.

What’s a lesson you’ve learnt from starting a job remotely? 

DC: Whilst it is nice to have someone talk you through every aspect of the business piece by piece, one thing that working remotely does give you is a bit more freedom to work things out for yourself in a way. 

Using shared drives and other training documents, I have found that you can spend a little bit more time trying to understand the processes and the way the company operates, which I have found has given me extra confidence and reassurance.  

MD: Motivation has to come from within even more when working remotely. When you’re in the office you’re automatically in work mode but at home you have to mentally train yourself to get in and out of work mode at the drop of a hat. It’s an adjustment but good organisation really does help.

Any advice for anyone starting a new role remotely? 

MD: No question is too small for an email. I’ve sometimes felt like asking something in an email is a waste of time and makes coworkers feel like I’m pestering them. The truth is that everyone is more than happy to help so ask as many questions as you can that’ll help you get moving.

DC: The one piece of advice that I would probably give is to just fully invest in the role and try and learn as much as you can in the first few weeks. Working from home might make you feel a bit apprehensive and cautious, but you are not expected to get everything right straight away, and if you do make mistakes, or when you get any feedback you will instantly learn from them. 

Any good work from home tips that you can share? 

DC: One thing that I have tried to keep consistent when working from home in my last role and in this one is creating a workspace that removes all distractions from my eye line. 

I have recently moved to a new flat, and one of the first things I decided when I moved in was where my desk would be. I have made sure that this area is spacious and comfortable, so it is somewhere where I feel relaxed and able to focus.

MD: Comfort is key. Make sure you have somewhere comfortable to sit and work. Your back will thank you later. The dining room chairs quickly start to show their flaws when you’re sat there for 8 hours a day.



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